With a work-of-art like that in the room, anything else would pale by comparison! Hence, the blank walls. To merly say he's "Stunning", while true, is an understatement!
Hey guys... thanks. for all the compliments... sorry i do not come with the apartment, LOL... butt i do cum with a big hairy mature bear that is built in all the right places... jt holemann...
ReplyDeleteDoes he come with the apartment?
ReplyDeleteIf so, I'll take it!!!
what a hot daddy
ReplyDeleteWith a work-of-art like that in the room, anything else would pale by comparison! Hence, the blank walls.
ReplyDeleteTo merly say he's "Stunning", while true, is an understatement!
...uomo bellissimo !
ReplyDeleteQuante cose potrei condividere con un maschio, così bello !
Hey guys... thanks. for all the compliments... sorry i do not come with the apartment, LOL... butt i do cum with a big hairy mature bear that is built in all the right places... jt holemann...